July 31 Worship Service Bulletin

Sunday, July 31, 2022

10 AM Contemporary Worship Service (Fellowship Hall)

8th Sunday after Pentecost / MissionSunday

Rev. Ginny Ellis

Gathering Song: “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship” - FPC Praise Band

Welcome - Rev. Ginny Ellis

Call to Worship - Ginny Ellis

Sisters and brothers, we have been raised with Christ to new life, / Freed from every fear

(guided time to reflect on fears)

Sisters and brothers, we have been raised with Christ to new life, / And granted every grace

(guided time to reflect on grace)

Freed from fears and grateful, for all this grace, / Now we join with songs of praise.

Yes! Let us worship God!

1st Worship Song: “Jesus Your Name” - FPC Praise Band

Reflections (from a poem by Ann Weems) - Robin Lyle

Jesus told the people to love their enemies / And the people were amazed.

He told them to have compassion for strangers / And the people were amazed

He overturned the tables of the moneychangers / And the people were amazed

He told them to pray for those who persecuted them / And the people were amazed.

He told them to set the captives free / And the people were amazed

He broke the rules and healed on the Sabbath / And the people were amazed

I don’t know how we have gotten so unamazed, but the amazing thing is that even now Jesus speaks the poetry of God. Even now we can touch the hem of Christ’s robe and be healed. Even now we can share our bread and our wine with a starving world. Even now, God the Poet pours grace upon our heads like snow on snow on snow. / Even now we can be amazed!

Passing of the Peace - Ginny Ellis                                             

The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. / And also with you.     

Moment for All Ages - Ginny Ellis

2nd Worship Song: “In Christ Alone” - FPC Praise Band

Prayer for Illumination - Robin Lyle 

1st Scripture: Luke 12:13-21 - Robin Lyle 

Sermon Scripture: Psalm 77:1-3, 11-14 - Ginny Ellis

Sermon: “The God Who Works Wonders” - Ginny Ellis

Dramatic Reading: Psalm 107 - Ginny Ellis, Kirby Volz 

Invitation to Offering - Robin Lyle  

Offertory Song: “Open My Eyes” - FPC Praise Band

Prayers of the People & Lord’s Prayer - Ginny Ellis

Announcements - Ginny Ellis

Minute for Mission:

  • CASA (hygiene kits)

  • LIVE LOVE ST PETE (backpacks) - Melody Proud

Final Song: “God So Loved” - FPC Praise Band

Amy McCutcheon