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For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Matthew 25:35-36, 40 (NIV Study Bible)

The Mission Committee of First Presbyterian Church acknowledges that a cornerstone of our faith is caring for others. The Committee encourages, informs, and equips members of our congregation to give time, talent, and treasure to demonstrate radical hospitality, participate in risk-taking mission, and to practice extravagant generosity.


New Hope Clinic, Orica, Honduras

Each summer medical and non-medical members of our church travel to Honduras to work collaboratively with the New Hope Clinic in the municipality of Orica. Volunteers participate in checking weight, blood pressure, and glucose levels. Other services include women’s health screening, eye examinations, and distribution of health kits. Several times a year, members park cars during major St. Petersburg community events to raise funds that support the medical and dental staff of the clinic throughout the year. For information about participating in this mission trip or contributing in other ways, contact Susan Schlecht (727-735-5332), or visit To view the most recent report from the New Hope Clinic, click here.


Partnership with Lakewood Elementary School

We support the school through contributions of hygiene items, school uniforms, spirit t-shirts, and toys and games for the school’s activity room. In addition to tutoring and mentoring, we also organize special projects such as “Thanksgiving-in-a-Box” for the more than 80 homeless families attending the school. For more information, contact the Church Office.


Meal Ministry at Pinellas Hope

Once a month, a group of men from our church prepare a nutritious meal in the church kitchen and transport it to Pinellas Hope, a shelter for homeless individuals, where we serve over 175 residents and staff. Average cost is less than $3.00 per meal. Monetary support and volunteers are always welcome. For more information or to sign up, contact Bill Shelton (727-525-6065).


The Little Free Library at FPC

We are extending our radical hospitality beyond our church walls, and making books available to our friends and neighbors through our Little Free Library, located at the corner of Beach Drive and 8th Avenue NE. The idea is to “leave a book, take a book.” The LFL was dedicated in March of 2022 and, ever since then, the library is staying stocked with interesting reading material for all ages, the inventory is ever-changing and there is excitement in the church and neighborhood!


St. Petersburg Free Clinic

St. Pete Free Clinic compassionately and effectively helps the hungry, the medically uninsured, and the homeless in our community, touching over 100,000 lives each year. Our church has been a long-term partner in this ministry by faithfully giving to food drives, volunteering time in the Food Pantry, and by generously giving financial contributions. Each year our Many Moods of Christmas concert collects a freewill offering to benefit the Free Clinic. For more information on the Free Clinic, contact Beth Houghton, or to volunteer, contact Rita Zweifel by visiting their website.


Meals on Wheels

Our church has a long history of supporting the Pinellas County’s Meals on Wheels program. Five days a week, year round, volunteers deliver a hot meal to individuals unable to provide for themselves. Volunteers are always welcome and needed! For more information or to volunteer, contact Kathy Bardin (727-418-4577).

Key Areas of Mission & Ministries focus:

(1) Alleviating Hunger, (2) Children, Youth, and Families, (3) Education, (4) Health and Well-Being

(5) Christian Mission, (6) Refugees, (7) Women and Children in Crisis, (8) Camp Experiences

Ministries supported by our church

Through the generosity of the congregation, the mission committee provides financial support to over 20 agencies and ministries serving those in need locally and worldwide. Click here for more information.