July 17 Worship Service Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, Florida 

Order of Worship – July 17, 2022 – 10 a.m. 

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Guest Preacher: Rev. Libby Shannon

Prelude: “Variations on Slane (hymn 450), Austin C. Lovelace (1919–2010) - Jack Rain, organ         

Welcome & Announcements - Roy Duttweiler

Call to Worship - Rev. Libby Shannon

We come before God with hearts overflowing;

We come before God with minds reeling;

We come before God carrying the weight of the world;

We come before God carrying the promise of peace.

Let us gather to worship the living God, bringing all we are and all we hope to be;

Let us gather to worship the living God, the God of mercy, the God of love.

Processional Hymn #307: “God of Grace and God of Glory” CWM RHONDDA

Unison Prayer of Confession - Libby Shannon

Loving God, you are always speaking, giving us instructions, directing our attention, and telling us your love. We confess that sometimes we are not very good listeners. We aren’t sure what is your voice, and what is ours, and what is just noise. We are easily distracted. We like our own ways. But even when we are too busy, you still call. We admit that we find you difficult to hear, and we ask for your help. Open our minds and hearts. Tune our ears to your voice. Help us to listen to what you have to say, and then help us to follow wherever you lead.  

       (Silence is kept)  

Thank you, God, for hearing us, and for speaking to us. Remind us of your love and forgiveness, and give us strength to be faithful to you.

Passing of the Peace - Libby Shannon

May the peace of Christ be with you / And also with you. 

Response #71: “Surely It Is God Who Saves Me” - FIRST SONG

Moment for All Ages - Diane Zuercher

Prayer for Illumination - Roy Duttweiler

First Scripture: Amos 8:1-12 - Roy Duttweiler

Hymn #727: “Will You Let Me Be Your Servant?”  THE SERVANT SONG 

Sermon Scripture: Luke 10:38-42 - Libby Shannon                                                 

Sermon - Libby Shannon

Presentation of our Gifts – Invitation and Prayer - Roy Duttweiler

Offertory Solo: “Prelude” from Cello Suite No. 6 in D Major, BWV 1012, J. S. Bach (1685–1750) - Roy Lawson, cello                   


Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer - Libby Shannon

Recessional Hymn #450: “Be Thou My Vision” SLANE                                                                                     

Charge & Benediction - Libby Shannon                                                                     

Postlude: “Trumpet Intrada,” John S. Dixon (b. 1957) - Jack Rain, organ

Amy McCutcheon