October 17 Worship Service Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, Florida    

Order of Worship – October 17, 2021 – 10 a.m.

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Rev. Ginny Simmons Ellis

Prelude: “Prelude on Jesus, Lover of My Soul” (hymn 440), Gordon Young (1919–1998) - Performed by Jack Rain, organ

Welcome & Announcements - Rev. Megan McMillan

Call to Worship - Megan McMillan

Hymn #41: “O Worship the King, All Glorious Above!” LYONS

Call to Reconciliation - Rev. Ginny Simmons Ellis

We do not pray in order to remove our guilt, but to express our gratitude to God. For we know all the things we have said and done that we shouldn’t, all the words we could have spoken and the actions we could have taken but did not. Nonetheless, God still loves us, surrounding us with mercy, filling us with hope, waiting to restore us to new life. Please join me as we pray together:

Unison Prayer of Forgiveness - Ginny Ellis

You come, Crafter of Wonder, longing to be part of our lives, yet we find it difficult to welcome you. You would be our lifelong companion, but we shake you off, leaving you in the dust as we race after temptation. You offer to be our guide, but we brag that we can make our own way. We know that your love withstands our stubbornness, even as your forgiveness breaks the power of our fears. May your words of mercy resound in our hearts, and your grace make us whole, so that we can go forth to tell and show the good news of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Assurance of Forgiveness - Ginny Ellis

God’s love reaches to the ends of creation and mends our broken hearts. God’s hope echoes through the universe and sings in our souls. God’s grace tenderly, gently, completely makes us new.

We have heard the good news spoken. We have seen the good news modeled for us. Now we aspire to be the good news for others, for we ourselves are forgiven and new. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Praise Song: “Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery” - Performed by FPC Praise Band

Prayer for Illumination - Roy Duttweiler

1st Scripture: Job 38:1-7 - Roy Duttweiler

Sermon Scripture: Mark 10:35-45 - Ginny Ellis

Sermon: “Majestica” - Ginny Ellis

Hymn #625: “O Lord My God” - HOW GREAT THOU ART

Presentation of our Gifts – Invitation and Prayer - Roy Duttweiler

Offertory: “Gloria in excelsis Deo” from Gloria, Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741) - Performed by Chancel Choir


Prayers of the People - Megan McMillan

Praise Song: “Take My Life” - Performed by FPC Praise Band

Charge & Benediction - Ginny Ellis

Postlude: “Fanfare on Lyons” (hymn 41), Raymond H. Haan (b. 1938) - Performed by Jack Rain, organ

Amy McCutcheon