May 12 Sanctuary Worship Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, Florida   

Order of Worship – May 12, 2024– 11 a.m.   

Seventh Sunday after Easter 

Rev. Ginny Ellis

Prelude: “Rhapsody on Alleluia (prelude for Ascension), Kenneth Lowenberg (b. 1939)  - Jack Rain, organ

Welcome - Ginny Ellis

Call to Worship - Ginny Ellis

I lift my eyes to the hills.
    Where does my help come from? 
My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.  
    God will not let your foot slip; he will not slumber. 
God, who watches over us, will neither slumber nor sleep. 
The Lord will keep us from all harm. 

Processional Hymn #804: “Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart!” MARION  

Call to Reconciliation - Mike Hurtubise

Prayer for Forgiveness - Mike Hurtubise

Assurance of Forgiveness - Mike Hurtubise

My friends, God is light and in God there is no darkness at all. If we claim to be sharing in God’s light while we walk in the dark, our words and our lives are a lie.

But if we walk in the light as God is in the light, then we share together a common life, and we are being cleansed from every sin by God’s own son. 

Friends, believe the good news 

In Jesus Christ we are forgiven and made new.       

Passing the Peace - Mike Hurtubise                                                                       

…The peace of Christ be with you. / And also with you. 

*Response #240: “Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks” ALLELUIA NO. 1 

Moment for All Ages - Ginny Ellis 

Prayer for Illumination - Susan Schlecht

First Reading: John 17:6-11 - Susan Schlecht

Sermon Scripture: 1 John 5:9-13 - Ginny Ellis

Sermon: “Love Seen…In the Final Gift: Eternal Life” - Ginny Ellis 

*Hymn #803: “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” RESIGNATION 

Presentation of our Gifts – Invitation and Prayer - Susan Schlecht        

…Please join me in a unison Prayer of Dedication: 

We dedicate these gifts, Lord, even as we dedicate ourselves, trusting you in all times of our lives. Use us, Lord, in the work of Your kingdom and make us truly grateful for all your gifts. Amen.

Offertory Anthem: “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” by Mack Wilberg - Chancel Choir 

*Doxology with Alleluias #609 LASST UNS ERFREUEN 

Announcements (for complete list, please see below) - Ginny Ellis 

Recessional Hymn #643: “Now Thank We All Our God” NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT 

Charge & Benediction - Ginny Ellis 

Postlude: “Paraphrase on Diademata (Ascension hymn 268), James Denton (1916–1999) - Jack Rain, organ 



Today, May 12

  • Happy Mother’s Day!

  • A Stephen Minister is available at the close of this service

Monday, May 13

  • Lectio/Visio Divina, 10 a.m., via Zoom

Tuesday, May 14

  • Ladies’ Bible study, 9 a.m. Youth Center

  • Christian Meditation, 7 p.m., Chapel

Wednesday, May 15

  • Praise Band Rehearsal

Friday, May 17

  • Men’s Bible Study, 8 a.m., Room N-123

  • Men's Lunch Bible Study, 12 p.m., via Zoom

Sunday, May 19

  • Childcare available 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Pickups, Room S-203

  • Connect Service, 9 a.m., Youth Center

  • Faith Journey class, 9:45 a.m., Chapel

  • Power Hour class, 10 a.m., Youth Center

  • “Next” Adult class, 10 a.m., Room S-100

  • NO “Parable Quest” class; we are encouraging families to participate in Mission Sunday!

  • Mission Sunday, 10 a.m., Fellowship Hall; we will be packing health kits for the Honduras Mission Team

  • New Member Inquirer’s Class, 12 p.m., Chapel 

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday, May 20, Stated Session meeting, 7 p.m.

  • Wednesday, May 22, 5:30 p.m., Beach Drive Forum: “An Evening with Paul Wilborn: St. Pete Arts and More!” by Paul Wilborn, award-winning journalist, author, playwright, pianist, singer and executive director of the Palladium Theater at St. Petersburg College. The evening will include a reading from his upcoming novel: The Everlasting Life of Charlie.

  • Monday, May 27, Church Office closed for Memorial Day

Amy McCutcheon