March 19 Sanctuary Worship Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, Florida  

Order of Worship – March 19, 2023– 11 a.m.  

Fourth Sunday in Lent / Stephen Minister Installation

Rev. Ginny Ellis

Prelude: “Prelude on Wondrous Love (Lenten hymn 215), Gordon Young (1919–1998) - Jack Rain, organ

Welcome and Announcements - Rev. Jeanie Barnes

Call to Worship - Jeanie Barnes

This is the day the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it

Through the abundance of your steadfast love, I enter your house.

In awe of you I will bow down in your holy temple,

Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness,

Make your way straight before me. 

Processional Hymn #215: “What Wondrous Love Is This” WONDROUS LOVE

Prayer of the Day - Jeanie Barnes

Passing of the Peace - Jeanie Barnes

Be at peace with God, with yourself, and with one another. 

The peace of Christ be with you. / And also with you.

Response #322: “We Are One in Christ Jesus” refrain sung two times  SOMOS UNO 

Moment for All Ages - Rev. Ginny Ellis

Presentation of our Gifts – Invitation and Prayer - Fran Sims

…Please join me in a unison Prayer of Dedication: 

We dedicate these gifts, Lord, even as we dedicate ourselves, trusting you in times of wilderness and ready to travel on in commitment to the promised Kingdom. Use us, Lord, in the work of that kingdom and make us truly grateful for all your gifts. Amen.

Offertory Anthem: “Behold the Lamb of God,” Craig Courtney (b. 1954) - Chancel Choir 


Prayer for Illumination - Fran Sims

First Scripture: I Peter 2:4-5, 9-10 - Fran Sims

Solo: “Hear Ye, Israel!” from Elijah, Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847) - Susan Hellman Spatafora, soprano

Sermon Scripture: Luke 22:24-27 - Ginny Ellis

Sermon: Sailboat Church 4: “Working the Sails” - Ginny Ellis 

Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer - Jeanie Barnes

Installation of Stephen Ministers - Ginny Ellis


Requests and Vows


Installation Charge and Prayer

Hymn #298: “Lord, You Give the Great Commission” ABBOT’S LEIGH

Charge & Benediction - Ginny Ellis

Postlude: “Psalm XVIII” (I will Praise Thee, O Lord, My Strength), Benedetto Marcello (1686–1739) - Jack Rain, organ     

Amy McCutcheon