October 9 Worship Service Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, Florida

Order of Worship – October 9, 2022 – 10 a.m.

18th Sunday after Pentecost

Rev. Ginny Ellis

Prelude: “Es ist das Heil uns kommen her” (Salvation is come to us), Dietrich Buxtehude (1637–1707) - Jack Rain, organ

Welcome & Announcements - Rev. Ginny Ellis

Call to Worship from Isaiah 6 - Ginny Ellis

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying

Whom shall I send and who will go for us?

And I said: Here am I. Send Me!

And God said, Go and give my message to the people.

Let us listen and respond boldly, to take God’s message forth to the community around us.

Hymn #775: “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me” WALK WITH ME

Responsive Prayer of the Day - Rev. Jeanie Barnes

Welcoming God, God of Life, when we are alone you make us known to our sisters and brothers. And when we are lonely, you whisper, “come closer,” inviting us into your heart. Great is your love for us.

Accepting Christ, when we wander lost and afraid, you take us by the hand, so we may settle in your Kingdom. When we hunger for the crumbs of hope which the world offers to us, you feed us with the fullness of your joy. Great is your grace for us.

Embracing Spirit, when those around us make clear they want nothing to do with us, ever, you persist in being our friend. When we stand on despair's welfare line you invite us to come to a sumptuous feast. Great is your hope for us.

God in community, Holy Three in One, you weep openly as you welcome us into your heart and into your hopes even as we come to your table today. We rejoice to be in your presence at worship this day. Amen.

Passing of the Peace - Jeanie Barnes

The peace of Christ be with you / And also with you

Response #71 FIRST SONG

Surely it is God who saves me, I will trust and not be afraid.

For the Lord is my stronghold and my sure defense and God will be my Savior.

Moment for All Ages - Ginny Ellis

Praise Song: “Lord, I Need You” - FPC Praise Band

Prayer for Illumination - Don Doddridge

First Scripture: Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7, 11 - Don Doddridge

Video: Hearing from One of God’s People: Jessie Sereda

Sermon Scripture: Revelations 21:1, 4 and Philippians 1:3-6 - Ginny Ellis

Sermon: “Reflections for The Road Ahead - Week 4: Hopes, Fears and Dreams” - Ginny Ellis

And Video of the Day: Wolves in Yellowstone

Praise Song: “God of Wonders" - FPC Praise Band

Presentation of our Gifts – Invitation and Prayer - Don Doddridge

…Please join me in a unison prayer of dedication:

We dedicate these gifts, Lord, even as we dedicate ourselves, trusting you in times of wilderness and ready to travel on in commitment to the promised Kingdom. Use us, Lord, in the work of that kingdom and make us truly grateful for all your gifts. Amen.

Offertory Anthem: “Love One Another,” John L. Bell (b. 1949) - Chancel Choir


Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer - Jeanie Barnes

Hymn #39: “Great is Thy Faithfulness" FAITHFULNESS

Charge & Benediction - Ginny Ellis

Postlude: “Fugue in C,” Dietrich Buxtehude (1637–1707) - Jack Rain, organ

Amy McCutcheon