September 5 Worship Service Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, Florida   

Order of Worship - September 5, 2021 – 10 a.m.   

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost / Lord’s Supper  

Guest Preacher: Cary Young          

Prelude: Partita on “Ora Labora” (Come, Labor On—hymn 719), Austin C. Lovelace (1919–2010) - Performed by Jack Rain, organ    

Welcome and Announcements - Rev. Megan H. McMillan

Call to Worship - Megan McMillan

Creator God, you call us to hospitality; to give as generously to others as you have given to us.

For there are angels among us.

Loving God, you call us to give you glory in the compassion we show to one another.

To love without judgment, of ourselves or of others.

We gather as one Body, seeking to walk in the way you have set for us.

We gather as one Body, to worship the one who is Love.

Hymn: #370: “This Is My Father’s World” TERRA BEATA

Call to Reconciliation - Megan McMillan

God knows us completely. God knows our heart and discerns our thoughts. Let us then confess what we carry within us that does not honor God or God’s path of righteousness.        

Unison Prayer of Forgiveness - Megan McMillan

Holy God, although we honor you with our words and worship, our hearts are often far from you. We are quick to judge, quick to exclude, quick to put others down instead of building them up. Forgive us, God. Help us amend our ways. Help us embrace the inclusive love you graciously offer us and expect us to offer others. By your mercy, forgive our sins. By your grace, free us to try again. Silence is kept. Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness - Megan McMillan

The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. Friends, hear the Good News of the Gospel: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven, freed and made whole! Thanks be to God!

1st Scripture Reading: Psalm 142 - Marilyn Mulcahy

Praise Song: “Come Thou Fount” - Performed by FPC Praise Band 

Sermon Scripture: Luke 14:7-14 - Cary Young

Prayer for Illumination - Cary Young

Sermon: “Feasting Together” - Cary Young

Presentation of our Gifts – Invitation and Prayer - Marilyn Mulcahy

Offertory: “Eternal Life” (a prayer by St. Francis of Assisi), Olive Dungan (1903–1997) - Performed by Gianna Pinizzotto, soprano


Lord’s Supper & Lord’s Prayer - Megan McMillan & Cary Young  

Praise Song: “God So Loved” - Performed by FPC Praise Band

Charge & Benediction - Cary Young     

Postlude: “Toccata” Flor Peeters  (1903–1986) - Performed by Jack Rain, organ

Amy McCutcheon