March 30 - 9 AM Connect Service
9 a.m. Connect Worship Service
March 30, 2025 - Fourth Sunday in Lent
Rev. Robert Galloway
Gathering and Welcome - Kevin Clark
1st Gathering Song: “Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing)” - FPC Praise Band
2nd Gathering Song: “Firm Foundation (He Won't)” - FPC Praise Band
Welcome - Rev. Robert Galloway
Call to Worship - Robert Galloway
If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation.
Everything old has passed away; everything has been made new!
God calls us to be reconciled—to God and to one another.
We come, seeking grace, longing for peace.
In Christ, God does not count our sins against us.
Instead, God offers us love beyond measure.
Come, let us worship God.
Call to Confession - Don Doddridge
Prayer of Confession - Don Doddridge
Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you and against one another. We have held on to old ways, even when you call us to new life. We have chosen division over reconciliation, self-interest over sacrifice. We have not trusted your mercy, nor have we extended it as freely as you have given it. Forgive us, O Lord. Cover us in your grace, and teach us again what it means to live as your redeemed people.
Assurance of Pardon - Don Doddridge
…Friends, believe the good news of the Gospel: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!
Passing the Peace - Don Doddridge
…The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you.
Response: “Doxology (Amen)” - FPC Praise Band
Friendship Pad announcement - Robert Galloway
The Sacrament of Baptism: Will Doeringer - Robert Galloway
Worship Song: “Holy Water” - FPC Praise Band
Prayer for Illumination - Bill Ferrari
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 32 - Bill Ferrari
New Testament Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 - Robert Galloway
…The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
Sermon: “A New Creation” - Robert Galloway
Invitation to Offering - Bill Ferrari
…Please join me in a unison Prayer of Dedication:
Abundantly Giving God, you call us to be part of your reconciling work in the world. We no longer see others from a human point of view, but through the lens of your grace. Take these gifts and bless them, so that they may bring new life where there is despair, hope where there is doubt, and joy where there is sorrow. Shape us, O Lord, into instruments of your peace, so that, through us, the world may glimpse your kingdom. In Christ’s name, we pray.
Offertory Song: “Evidence” - FPC Praise Band
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer - Robert Galloway
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Announcements (for complete list, please see below) - Robert Galloway
Final Worship Song: “How Can I Keep from Singing?” - FPC Praise Band
Benediction - Robert Galloway
Praise Band tag
Today, March 30
A Stephen Minister is available at the close of this service
Chapel Gallery “Stations of the Cross” open for viewing, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Monday, March 31
Lectio/Visio Divina, 10 a.m., via Zoom
Card Fellowship, 1:30 p.m., Church Office Conference Room
Tuesday, April 1
Ladies’ Bible Study, 9 a.m., Youth Center
Wednesday, April 2
Lenten Lunch, 12 p.m., Youth Center
Praise Band Rehearsal, 7 p.m., Youth Center
Thursday, April 3
Chancel Choir Rehearsal, 7 p.m., Choir Room
Friday, April 4
Men's Bible Study, 8 a.m., Room N-123
Men's Lunch Bible Study, 12 p.m., via Zoom
Sunday, April 6
Childcare available 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Pickups, Room S-203
Connect Service, 9 a.m., Youth Center
Power Hour class, 10 a.m., Church Office Conference Room
Children’s Sunday School, (Pre-K-5th), 10 a.m., S-202, S-100
Faith Journey class, 9:45 a.m., Chapel
“Next” Adult class, 10 a.m., Room N-123
Festival of Praise concert: Brahm’s Requiem, 4 p.m., Sanctuary
Upcoming Events:
Monday, April 7, 4 p.m., Faith & Fiction, Room N-123
Wednesday, April 9, 5:30 p.m., Wednesday Night Dinner, Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP online or by calling the Church Office.