March 5 - 9 AM Connect Service Bulletin

March 5, 2023 / 2nd Sunday of Lent

9 a.m. Connect Worship Service

Rev. Ginny Ellis

Gathering and Welcome - Kevin Clark

1st Gathering Song: “Rising” - FPC Praise Band

2nd Gathering Song: “God of Wonders” - FPC Praise Band                                          

Call to Worship - Ginny Ellis

 In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,

the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep

Then a wind, a spirit, a breath, from God swept over the face of the waters.

That's how creation began, with wind, with light and darkness,

with day and night, and above all, with God.

and there was evening and there was morning a first day.

Passing of the Peace                                                                                                                                        

Response: “Change My Heart, Oh God” - FPC Praise Band  

Moment for All Ages - Ginny Ellis

Worship Song: “Lord, I Need You” - FPC Praise Band  

Invitation to Offering - Kevin Clark

…Please join me in a unison Prayer of Dedication:

We are thankful people, O God, knowing your love for us and bringing these gifts.  We offer ourselves to serve you today. Receive and bless who we are and what we do.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Offertory Song: “He Will Hold Me Fast” - FPC Praise Band  

Prayer for Illumination 

1st Scripture: Acts 2:1-4  

Sermon Scripture: John 4:16-26 

Sermon: SAILBOAT CHURCH 2: “Wind, Spirit, Breath” - Ginny Ellis                                                           

Sacrament of Communion                         


      Words of Institution

Partaking of the Bread and Cup (by Intinction)

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Announcements - Ginny Ellis

Final Song: “God So Loved” - FPC Praise Band  


Amy McCutcheon