Our Next Mission Sunday - April 23 - will benefit the New Hope Clinic in Honduras
Our mission effort on 4/23 will be sorting and assembling health kits for the New Hope Clinic in Honduras. A group of 15 from FPC and other churches will be traveling there in June.
We will be sending 1,000 adult health kits and 1,000 child kits. Items to buy and bring for these health kits:
Toothbrushes, adult and children
Dental floss.
Wash cloths.
1-Quart Ziplock bags AND 1-Gallon Ziplock bags. NOTE: Please do NOT fill the Ziplock bags.
So why do we need as many hands as possible during this Mission Sunday work session? “We’ll have three workstations,” says Susan Schlecht who’s been going to Honduras for years. “We’ll be able to sit around our circle tables and talk and catch up with each other while we’re doing these tasks.”
Workstation #1…We’ll make cardboard picture frames for the Honduran children and put them in Ziplock bags. These are made from punchout cardboard sheets that Susan and her crew will provide. No tools are needed other than your fingers and thumb. These children don’t have school take-home pictures. These may be the only ones they’ll have of themselves. Psst… Don’t tell anyone, but any of our children helping with this can take some home with them.
Workstation #2…Sheets of stickers, also provided, will need to be cut and put in the bags for the Honduran children. Scissors will be provided. And any of our kids helping can take some of these home as well.
Workstation #3…This will be our deconstruction table. We’ll remove toothbrushes, dental floss, Band-Aids, and wash clothes from their packaging before putting into Ziplock bags. “We’re doing this so we can recycle the packaging here,” says Susan. “If we waited to do this in Honduras, the packaging would just add to the litter that’s already there. They don’t have recycling facilities.”
Now…If you would like to contribute but are unable to attend our packing sessions or to bring any items, please think about contributing money to help purchase 20 soccer balls and 25 jump ropes for kids. Soccer balls run about $20 apiece and jump ropes about $15 each. Just make a check out to First Presbyterian and note that it’s for the Honduras Clinic, for soccer balls or for jump ropes.
On April 23, there will be several work shifts to choose from. We will still have our two worship services at 9:00 and 11:00. The work will be in Fellowship Hall.
If you’re going to the 9 AM service, we are open at 8 AM, so you can come before the service OR you can come after the service.
If you’re going to the 11 AM service, you can come at any point up to 11:00.
Please note that someone from the Mission Committee will be available to direct and help from 8-11 AM. Easy-peasy.
ALSO NOTE: If you’re unable to bring items on April 23, but can bring them earlier, we’ll have Honduras-designated baskets available at both services in which you can drop off your items.
This is a very giving church. Thank you again for your time, effort, prayers, and financial contributions.
If you have any questions about this Mission Sunday and the Honduras Clinic, please contact Susan Schlecht (727.735-5332; schlecht21975@gmail.com.) or Mission Committee Moderator Sandi Averitt (727.424.9300; sanaveritt1@gmail.com).