Beach Drive Forums are a series of conversations for congregation and community on thought-provoking topics, a sort of "Chautauqua South." The monthly (or so) conversations with intriguing guest speakers and subject matter are open to our members and the public and will take place on Wednesdays from about 6-8 p.m. (presentation from 6-7, followed by a time for Q & A and refreshments) in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome!
June 14 - Food Is Medicine
Dr. Kelli Cross of Complete Wellness Pediatrics will share her wisdom on the benefits of healthy eating in Food Is Medicine. Dr. Cross has been caring for children for more than 24 years. She is passionate about helping people of all ages embrace the benefits of healthy eating.
Dr. Cross completed her Bachelors and Medical degrees at The State University of New York at Buffalo. In 1997 she completed her pediatric residency at All Children’s Hospital, St. Pete. She and her husband, a Pinellas County educator, are proud parents of a teenage son and a sassy goldendoodle.