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  • First Presbyterian Church 701 Beach Drive NE St Petersburg United States (map)

MissionSunday - July 31

What is Fifth Sunday? What is MissionSunday?

Since the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, on the occasion that there are five Sundays in a month, various traditions have been observed within the church. Some have used this additional weekend as hymn-sing Sunday, where the regular service was modified and filled with extra songs. Others have special collections designated for various ministries and missions. We at First Presbyterian - St Pete have chosen to combine these traditions and host a local mission project – right on campus – right along with worship!

On the 5th Sunday of July, we have the exciting opportunity to help with two mission projects – both serving the immediate needs of our community! Sandwiched between Sunday worship at 10 AM and a church-wide lunch, we have some work to do - God’s work!

In partnership with CASA, we are stuffing 500 hygiene bags in assembly-line fashion. At the same time, we have over 2,000 (yep, TWO THOUSAND) backpacks to fill for underprivileged students, just in time for local families to prepare for kids' return to school (see Live Love St Pete for more info).

What an amazing opportunity to share God’s love in a small but tangible way! All goods to stuff the bags have been donated, but we need hands to get the bags filled! Your hands, your neighbor’s hands, that friend you have been meaning to invite to church! It’s all hands on deck!

Bring your friends and bring a side or dessert to share! Meat is provided! Join us for this amazing time to be a part of God’s work!

So, to recap:

  • Sunday, July 31st

  • Worship begins downstairs in the Fellowship Hall at 10 AM

  • Mission projects follow the worship service (in the same room)

  • Then lunch (also same room!)

Bring a side-dish to share. Bring a friend to help volunteer! Bring your heart & soul, body & mind, and get fed! Be There!