July 9 Sanctuary Worship Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, Florida  

Order of Worship – July 9, 2023 – 11 a.m.  

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Rev. Ginny Ellis

Prelude: “My Jesus, I Love Thee,” Stephen L. Aber (b. 1988) - Jack Rain, organ

Welcome and Announcements (for complete list, please see below) - Rev. Ginny Ellis

Call to Worship - Ginny Ellis

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God.

All who love are born of God and know God.

All who do not love do not know God,

For God is love.    

We come to worship God in song, praise and prayer.  

Singing of Hymns  

#438: “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” TOPLADY

#14: “For the Beauty of the Earth” DIX

Morning Prayer and Lighting of the Peace Candle - Rev. Jeanie Barnes

Moment for All Ages - Ginny Ellis 

Special Music: “Eternal Life” (Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi), Olive Dungan (1904–1997) - Gianna Pinizzotto, soprano

Prayer for Illumination - Susan Schlecht

First Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 22:36-40 - Susan Schlecht 

Sermon Scripture: I Corinthians 13 - Ginny Ellis 

Sermon: “Beautiful, Costly Love” - Ginny Ellis 

Time of Response

Presentation of our Gifts

Doxology OLD HUNDREDTH       

Passing of the Peace 

Closing Hymn #649: “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound” AMAZING GRACE  

Charge & Benediction - Ginny Ellis

May the peace of Christ be with you. / And also with you.    

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. / Alleluia! Amen. 

Postlude: “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus,” Stephen L. Aber (b. 1988) - Jack Rain, organ



Today, July 9

  • A Stephen Minister, wearing a blue stole, is available at the close of this service. 

  • Men’s Meal Ministry will be cooking for Pinellas Hope (volunteers welcome!), 2 p.m. in Fellowship Hall kitchen.

Wednesday July 12

  • Praise Band rehearsal, 7:00 p.m., Youth Center

Friday, July 14

  • Men’s Bible Study (on summer break until September 8)

  • Men's Lunch Bible Study, 12:00 p.m., via Zoom

Sunday, July 16

  • Childcare available 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Pick ups, Room 203

  • Faith Journey class meets at 10:00 a.m. in Room S-202 

Upcoming Events: 

  • Tuesday, July 25 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., we will have “Christmas in July” in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Sunday, July 30 will be MissionSunday! We’ll be stuffing backpacks from 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. for underserved K-5 students in our community. We will also have “Crazy Hat Day” during our worship services!

Amy McCutcheon