November 12 Sanctuary Worship Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, Florida  

Order of Worship – November 12, 2023– 11 a.m.  

Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost/Mission Sunday

Rev. Sam Picard, Guest Preacher 

Prelude: “In Memoriam” (honoring Veterans Day), Myron J. Roberts (1912–2004) - Jack Rain, organ 

Welcome and Announcements (for complete list, please see below) - Rev. Jeanie Barnes

Call to Worship - Jeanie Barnes

In the cross and the empty tomb, we see God’s love and power perfectly.

Help us accept your love for us.

Jesus calls us to follow him and to love others as he loves us.

Step by stumbling step, we seek to follow with love for all.

*Processional Hymn #100: “My Soul Cries Out with a Joyful Shout” STAR OF THE COUNTY DOWN 

Prayer of the Day - Rev. Sam Picard

Loving God, many of us have been your people for so long we’ve forgotten how incredible your love is. Forgive us for holding your grace cheaply, because it’s the most precious gift in the world. Touch our hearts so we know in the core of our being that you are God and that you love us. Fill us with your Spirit and change our lives by your love. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon - Sam Picard

Lighting the Peace Candle and Passing the Peace - Jeanie Barnes

      …May the peace of Christ be with you. / And also with you. 

*Response #71: “Surely, It Is God Who Saves Me” (refrain only, sung twice) FIRST SONG                 

Moment for All Ages - Sam Picard and Jeanie Barnes  

Presentation of our Gifts – Invitation and Prayer - Kirby Volz   

…Please join me in a unison Prayer of Dedication:                              

We dedicate these gifts, Lord, even as we dedicate ourselves, trusting you in times of hope and challenge. Use us, Lord, in the work of that kingdom and make us truly grateful for all your gifts. Amen.

Offertory Anthem: “For Everyone Born” arr. Tom Trenney - Chancel Choir


Prayer for Illumination - Jeanie Barnes                                                                                 

First Scriptures: Genesis 12:1-4 & Matthew 9:9-13 - Jeanie Barnes 

*Hymn #175: “Seek Ye First” LAFFERTY  

Sermon Scripture: Romans 4:13-25 - Rev. Sam Picard 

Sermon: “Called to Welcome and Adventure” - Rev. Sam Picard

Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer - Jeanie Barnes                                                                                    

*Hymn #353: “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” SOLID ROCK 

Charge & Benediction - Sam Picard & Jeanie Barnes                       

Postlude: “The Church’s One Foundation” (hymn 321), Don Hustad (1918–2013) - Jack Rain, organ        



Today, November 12

  • MissionSunday; we are bagging items for hygiene bags for CASA in the Fellowship Hall...join us after this service!

  • A Stephen Minister is available at the close of this service

Monday, November 13

  • Lectio Divina, taking a break Nov. 13 and 20

Tuesday, November 14

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, 9 a.m., Youth Center

  • Christian Meditation, 7 p.m., Chapel

Wednesday, November 15

  • Beach Drive Forum: “Understanding Mental Health Challenges Faced by Transgender Youth” by Jenny Gould, M.D. 6 p.m., Fellowship Hall

  • Praise Band rehearsal, 7 p.m., Youth Center

Thursday, November 16

  • Bell Choir Rehearsal, 6 p.m., Choir Room

  • Chancel Choir Rehearsal, 7 p.m., Choir Room

Friday, November 17

  • Men’s Bible Study, 8 a.m., Room N-123

  • Men's Lunch Bible Study, 12 p.m., via Zoom 

Saturday, November 18

  • Friendsgiving at the Mossmans’ house, 6 p.m. Please RSVP to Karen (727-400-5079) 

Sunday, November 19

  • Childcare available 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Pickups, Room S-203

  • Faith Journey class meets at 9:45 a.m. in Room S-202

  • Power Hour class meets at 10 a.m. in the Youth Center

  • Young Adults/Parents class meets at 10 a.m. in Room S-206

  • Teens class meets at 10 a.m. in Room S-205 (every other week)

Upcoming Events:

  • Thursday, Nov. 23 and Friday, Nov. 24, Church Office closed for the Thanksgiving holiday

  • Saturday, Nov. 25, FPC participates in the downtown Santa Parade

  • Thursday, November 30, 5 p.m., Blue Christmas Comfort Service. This service is meant to provide comfort, especially for those feeling sadness this holiday season. All are welcome.

Amy McCutcheon