May 29 Worship Service Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, FL

Order of Worship - Sunday, May 29, 2022

10 AM Contemporary Worship Service 

Seventh Sunday of Easter/Mission Sunday

Rev. Ginny Ellis, preaching

Gathering Song: “Friend of God” - FPC Praise Band 

Welcome and Opening Prayer - Rev. Megan McMillan           

1st Worship Song: “Rising” - FPC Praise Band 

Prayer of Confession and Passing of the Peace - Megan McMillan 

Holy God, Maker of all, / Have mercy on us.  

Jesus Christ, light of the world, / Have mercy on us. 

Holy Spirit, breath of life, / Have mercy on us.  

Let us in silence remember our own faults and failings. Silence is kept.  

In the community of Christ’s Church and in the presence of all God’s people, we confess to God that we have sinned in thought, word and deed. We have not loved God, cared for God’s world, or respected God’s people as we should. We own our responsibility and pray for God’s pardon.  

May God forgive you, Christ befriend you, and the Spirit renew and change your life. Amen. 

Turn again, O Lord, and give us life / That your people may rejoice in you.  

Give us the joy of your help / May your spirit of freedom sustain us.  

May mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  / And also with you.   

2nd Worship Song: “God So Loved” - FPC Praise Band 

Moment for All Ages - Rev. Ginny Ellis  

Prayer for Illumination - Tai Specie

1st Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8 - Tai Specie 

Sermon Scripture: Acts 16:11-15 - Ginny Ellis

Sermon: “What We’re Here For: Worship!” - Ginny Ellis  

Invitation to Offering - Ginny Ellis              

Offertory Song: “How Great Thou Art” - FPC Praise Band

Prayers of the People & Lord’s Prayer - Megan McMillan

Announcements - Ginny Ellis 

Minute for Mission - Video/Sam Picard from Missio Deo             

Final Song: “God Is Great” - FPC Praise Band

Benediction - Ginny Ellis

Amy McCutcheon