May 23 Worship Service Bulletin

First Presbyterian Church – St. Petersburg, Florida  

Order of Worship - May 23, 2021 – 10 a.m.

Day of Pentecost

Pastor Dawn Conti


Prelude: “Come Down, O Love Divine” (Hymn 282) Walter L. Pelz (b. 1926) - Performed by Jack Rain, organ

Welcome and Announcements  - Rev. Dr. Dawn Conti       

Call to Worship - Dawn Conti

The day of Pentecost has come, and we are together. Will the works of God be known among us today?

We live in the valley of dry bones. Around and within us is emptiness.

God comes to us as a gentle breath or violent wind. Catch your breath, God’s breath, and live.

There are stirrings deep within that give us hope. There is a Spirit linking us to one another.

The fires of love dispel life’s shadows. God’s Spirit comes to give us new life.

Surely God is in this place! May the glory of God be known among us today!

Hymn # 289: “On Pentecost They Gathered” MUNICH

Call to Reconciliation - Dawn Conti

Like the first disciples, we have much to learn about sin and righteousness and judgment. Almost without conscious awareness, we slip into the valley of dry bones, devoid of meaning and hope, unable even to pray. But together we can join our voices, asking that our spirits will awaken to new possibilities.

Unison Prayer of Forgiveness - Dawn Conti

When your face is hidden from us, mighty God, we forget that there is more to life than the daily pursuits that occupy our attention. We are weak because we have not tapped the resources you place within us. We are engaged only by what we can see and touch and hear. Our frantic self-centeredness dries up our bones and we lose hope. Call us out of the graves in which we have chosen to live, the deep ruts that keep us from knowing the fullness of life you reveal when we welcome your Spirit.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness - Dawn Conti

In hope we are saved. The Spirit helps us in our weakness, intercedes for us, and guides us into all truth. God seeks to restore us to the fullness of life, to offer us hope, to assure us of our worth and value. Feel the flames of God’s love resting on us, empowering us to love and serve in Christ’s name. Friends, believe the Good News: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

Praise Song: “Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery” - Performed by FPC Praise Band

Children’s Message - Dawn Conti & Megan McMillan

1st Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-14 - Megan McMillan

2nd Scripture Reading: Psalm 104:24-34, 35b - Megan McMillan

Hymn for Illumination (# 288): “Spirit of the Living God” (once)

Sermon Scripture: Acts 2: 1-21

A very unique Pentecost worship service has been planned by your FPC worship team for today. Although the Good News is traditionally proclaimed through a sermon, other acceptable Presbyterian forms of proclamation include song, drama, dance, and testimony. This Sunday, the Good News of Pentecost will be proclaimed through a reader’s theatre interspersed with music, visual art, and dance.     

Thank you to our readers today who include: Kyle Brinkman, Kevin Conti, Mike and Michelle Carothers, and Don Zegel. Thank you also to those who are providing music including Matt Clear and the Chamber Singers, Kevin Clark and the Praise Band, and Jack Rain. Additionally, we are grateful to Helen French who will share her gifts of dance and for the visual arts provided through A Sanctified Art. Finally, thank you Dave Aumack for taking care of all our audio-visual needs.


Hymn # 291: “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness”, verses 1 and 2

Praise Song: “Soul on Fire” - Performed by FPC Praise Band

Hymn # 291: “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness”, verses 3 and 4

Prayers of the People - Megan McMillan

Anthem: “Come Thou Fount” arr. Mack Wilberg - Performed by Chamber Singers

Presentation of our Gifts: Invitation and Prayer - Dawn Conti    

Doxology with Alleluias LASST UNS ERFREUEN

Hymn # 295: “Go to the World!” SINE NOMINE

Charge & Benediction

Postlude: Variation IV from Prelude, Adagio and Chorale with Variations on the theme of the “Veni Creator” Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986) - Performed by Jack Rain, organ

Amy McCutcheon